One of the most beneficial aspects of naturopathic treatment is that it arms you with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your own health and wellbeing. Feeling better is never as simple as Symptom X = Treatment Y. There are many compounding factors at play that need to be taken into account, and that’s where I come in.
At Natural Health and Nutrition, my goal is to understand YOU – not just your disease or your symptoms. No two people are the same.
I am a registered member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) and practice according to their professional Code of Conduct.
I want to educate and empower you to own your path to optimal health.
“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.” – Vera Nazarian
Philosophy of Treatment
Each patient’s treatment plan is individualised with the aim of minimising symptoms, whilst at the same time enhancing emotional and physical wellbeing.
The treatment process involves the active participation of both of us. For you as the patient, this means following the treatment plan given to you after each consultation, being honest about your goals, asking questions and discussing concerns you have about your health and/or your treatment plan, and to be present for each of your follow up appointments. There IS no magic pill! And whilst I will support you every step of the way, you will only be able to achieve the quality of life you desire if you are willing to commit and work for it.
1 – Initial treatment
Your initial treatment will be aimed towards reducing your symptoms and stabilising your condition.
2 – Supportive treatment
Whilst your symptoms may have lessened after your initial treatment and you will be feeling much better, it is important that we treat the underlying cause of your condition in order to prevent your symptoms from returning. That is what this second, supportive, stage is for – to ensure long-term relief and wellness.
3 – Maintenance treatment
Once we are both satisfied that your original health concern is no longer an issue, it is at this point that we can look towards enhancing your health and wellbeing in other areas that you feel may be less than optimal. Long-term maintenance treatment also allows us to track your key health indicators (for example, cholesterol, blood glucose, iron or hormone levels, just to name a few) and therefore identify and remedy any negative changes sooner rather than later.
Consultation Costs
Initial Appointment – 60-90 minutes ($240)
The focus of your first appointment is to gather as much relevant information about your health as possible. Your pre-appointment questionnaire(s), your health history, diet/lifestyle information and any in-clinic screening tests performed, all help to provide valuable insights into your case that will then help me formulate an appropriate treatment plan specifically for you.
In order to avoid unnecessary repetition and to save you time and money, I also ask that you bring any recent pathology test results with you to your consultation. Then, if indicated based on your particular case, additional pathology investigations may be recommended via your GP or a functional pathology laboratory.
Nutritional supplements and/or herbal medicines may be prescribed during your consultations. The cost of these supplements will vary depending on your treatment needs.
Forms to download, complete and return to me prior to your consultation:
Follow-up Appointments – $90 (30 min)
Follow-up consultations allow for careful monitoring of your treatment plan. It allows you to provide valuable feedback on how you are feeling and gives you the opportunity to ask any additional questions that may have come up since starting treatment. Follow-up appointments also allow me to make any adjustments to your treatment to ensure that you are achieving the best possible health outcomes.
For new patients, I always recommend the first follow-up appointment be booked 3 weeks after the initial appointment. From there, the timing of any follow-ups will depend on your health needs and your degree of responsiveness to treatment. For most patients, this means appointments every 3-4 weeks during the initial treatment stage and appointments every 6-8 weeks during the supportive treatment stage. For optimal long-term wellness, most patients chose to see me 2 to 3 times per year after their initial health concern has been resolved.