Episode 18: The safety of raw vs kibble

What we feed our dogs is often a touchy subject that can elicit some very strong opinions. There are those that claim raw food feeding is incredibly dangerous to both our pets and us, and then there are those that claim the exact same thing about kibble!! So in this episode I look at the safety aspects of both raw and kibble, with a focus on the risks to pet owners themselves.

This is a massive topic, and although we’re really only scratching the surface of the situation, I think you’ll be surprised to hear where the greatest risks lie. So sit back and relax and enjoy the show!

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Episode 13: The dangers of kibble

In this episode I talk about the negative health aspect of commercial kibbles for our pets, with a focus on the impact of the processing method itself. 

Unfortunately, the majority of pets consume a kibble-based diet that’s gone through the extrusion process, which is highly destructive from a nutritional standpoint. But what’s perhaps more concerning is that the extrusion process also leads to the formation of toxic compounds such as acrylamide and advanced glycation end-products, which have been linked to a wide variety of disease states in both people and pets.

So join me to learn how these toxic compounds are formed, which foods contain the highest amounts and some simple strategies that you can start doing today to lessen the burden on your pet.

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