Episode 24: Saccharomyces boulardii for dogs

In this episode, I talk about Saccharomyces boulardii (SB) and how it can benefit your dog’s gut health and overall health.

SB is a type of beneficial yeast that comes from the skin of lychee and mangosteen fruits. It’s long been used in certain systems of medicine and is now available in dietary supplement form. SB is commonly used to help treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders that cause diarrhoea, while also helping to stimulate the immune system and reduce systemic inflammation. So tune-in to learn all about what SB is and how it might benefit your dog.

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Episode 9: Histamine intolerance

Histamine is a chemical compound that’s naturally found in the cells of our bodies. Histamine plays an important role in our immune response, it supports digestion and gut health, and can even influence our moods via its role as a neurotransmitter. But when histamine levels get too high or when it isn’t broken down properly, it can affect our normal bodily functions, leading to a vast array of different symptoms.

In this episode I discuss the ins-and-outs of histamine as it relates to both people and dogs – what it is, what triggers it to be released in the body, dietary sources, and treatment approaches you can take if you suspect that you or your dog has is experiencing any degree of histamine intolerance.

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Episode 4: Rice for dogs with diarrhoea – helpful or harmful?

We’ve all grown up hearing that we should give our dogs chicken and rice during bouts of diarrhoea, but why?

In this episode we explore the use of rice for diarrhoea – how it came about, why it works, is it helpful or harmful, and are there better alternatives?

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