Episode 24: Saccharomyces boulardii for dogs

In this episode, I talk about Saccharomyces boulardii (SB) and how it can benefit your dog’s gut health and overall health.

SB is a type of beneficial yeast that comes from the skin of lychee and mangosteen fruits. It’s long been used in certain systems of medicine and is now available in dietary supplement form. SB is commonly used to help treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders that cause diarrhoea, while also helping to stimulate the immune system and reduce systemic inflammation. So tune-in to learn all about what SB is and how it might benefit your dog.

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Episode 23: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

In this episode, I talk about Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and how you can use it as a screening tool to gain a deeper insight into your dog’s health status and what might be driving any health problems.

HTMA is a non-invasive test that measures the levels of beneficial nutrients and toxic metals found in the hair. It can detect an excess or deficiency of nutrient minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. It can also identify over exposure to toxic metals such as arsenic, aluminium, mercury and lead. HTMA provides valuable information on existing health conditions. For example, minerals status can provide you with insight into the production of hormones, enzyme activity, energy production, digestive health, stress levels and much more. Further, it helps with early detection and prevention of conditions, as mineral imbalances are often seen before symptoms occur.

So tune-in to learn all about what HTMA is and how it might benefit your dog.

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Episode 22: CBD Vets Australia

In this episode, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr Christopher Lee, Veterinary Director of CBD Vets Australia.

No pet parent wants to see their beloved pet suffering from conditions such as chronic pain or anxiety where conventional treatments have fallen short, and that’s where CBD Vets Australia comes in. As part of Australia’s leading medicinal cannabis network, CBD Vets Australia recognises the potential that medical cannabis therapies provide as an alternative or adjunct treatment option, and as such, have developed research and training programs to assist Australia’s veterinarians in accessing CBD treatments for their pet patients.

So tune-in to learn all about what CBD is, how CBD differs from hemp seed oil, what conditions are best suited to the use of CBD, potential side effects and the importance of only buying pharmaceutical-grade CBD from a reputable source.

Visit the CBD Vets Australia website HERE for more information about who they are and how you can access medicinal CBD oil for your pet.

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Episode 10: Health risks of acid lowering medications

An increasing amount of research highlights the negative health effects of acid-lowering medications for both people and pets when used long-term. Examples of potential adverse effects include the increased risk of bone fractures, pneumonia and other upper respiratory tract infections, diarrhoea, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and dementia – just to name a few!

In this episode I explain what acid-lowering medications are, why a doctor or a vet might prescribe them, and ways that you can minimise the side effects or heal any damage already done via diet, lifestyle and targeted supplementation.

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