Episode 13: The dangers of kibble

In this episode I talk about the negative health aspect of commercial kibbles for our pets, with a focus on the impact of the processing method itself. 

Unfortunately, the majority of pets consume a kibble-based diet that’s gone through the extrusion process, which is highly destructive from a nutritional standpoint. But what’s perhaps more concerning is that the extrusion process also leads to the formation of toxic compounds such as acrylamide and advanced glycation end-products, which have been linked to a wide variety of disease states in both people and pets.

So join me to learn how these toxic compounds are formed, which foods contain the highest amounts and some simple strategies that you can start doing today to lessen the burden on your pet.

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Episode 11: Weight loss in dogs

Up to 60% of dogs are now overweight or obese – a condition that is associated with a multitude of different health conditions and disease states that are completely preventable, not to mention a shorter lifespan and a poorer quality of life overall.

In this episode I discuss some of the key causes of obesity in our dogs, easy ways to determine if your dog is overweight, how to approach weight loss in a safe and sustainable way and which supplements you can use to support the process.

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Episode 8: Digestive enzymes

Most people will have heard the saying – “you are what you eat” but in reality, you are what you absorb! Research suggests that at least 50% of Australian and US adults experience digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhoea and constipation. Unfortunately, our dogs are following in our footsteps, with digestive issues being the most common canine health problem that vets see.

In this episode I discuss the ins-and-outs of digestive enzymes for both people and pets – what are they, the different types, causes of enzyme deficiency, how to know if you need one, food and supplemental sources, along with applications for both people and dogs. But digestive enzymes may not be for everyone, so I also highlight who shouldn’t take them.

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Episode 7: To fast or not to fast?

Fasting dates back centuries and has played a central role in many different cultures and religions. Science has now revealed the many benefits of fasting – including improved weight loss and insulin sensitivity, reduced levels of inflammation and risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, improved cellular health and mental clarity, a reduced risk of neurodegenerative disorders, all the way through to slower ageing and increased longevity (just to name a few!). But did you know that the practice of fasting can also be highly beneficial for dogs?

In this episode I discuss the many benefits of fasting for both people and pets and outline simple strategies that you can use to get started. But fasting isn’t for everyone, so I also highlight who shouldn’t fast and when fasting your dog may not be a good idea.

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Episode 4: Rice for dogs with diarrhoea – helpful or harmful?

We’ve all grown up hearing that we should give our dogs chicken and rice during bouts of diarrhoea, but why?

In this episode we explore the use of rice for diarrhoea – how it came about, why it works, is it helpful or harmful, and are there better alternatives?

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Episode 3: Improve your immunity

During the current pandemic, it’s more important than ever that we all do what we can to look after our immune systems. While there’s no magic pill to protect us from the many pathogens that our bodies are exposed to day-in-and-day-out, a healthy lifestyle as a whole is definitely our best bet.

In this episode I outline some very simple dietary and lifestyle factors that you can adopt straightway in order to boost your immune system and support overall health and wellbeing.

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